Specifies the logical y - coordinate of the ending point of the radial line defining the ending point of the arc 参数规定定义弧终点的径向线终点的逻辑纵坐标。
Draws a pie shape defined by an ellipse specified by a coordinate pair , a width , a height , and two radial lines 绘制一个扇形,该形状由一个坐标对、宽度、高度以及两条射线所指定的椭圆定义。
The pie shape is defined by a partial outline of an ellipse and the two radial lines that intersect the endpoints of the partial outline 扇形由椭圆的一部分轮廓和两条与部分轮廓的终结点相交的射线定义而成。
Fills the interior of a pie section defined by an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates , a width , a height , and two radial lines Graphics . fillpie方法填充由一对坐标一个宽度一个高度以及两条射线指定的椭圆所定义的扇形区的内部。
A radial line is a line passing through the center of a circle or sphere. The correct "direction" of the radial line is from the radius point to a point on the arc or circle.